A beautiful stater from Lyttos on Crete from the H. Krähenbühl and Kunstfreund collections
Los 77
CRETE. Lyttos. Circa 320-270 BC. Stater (Silver, 25 mm, 11.00 g, 12 h). Eagle flying left with leg below. Rev. ΛYTTI/ON Head of a boar to left; all within dotted square within incuse square. BMC 12. Le Rider pl. VII, 17 (same dies). Gillet 1026 (this coin). Svoronos, Crète, 36 and pl. XXI, 27 (same obverse die). A beautifully toned and very well centered example of vigorous style. Good very fine.

From the collection of Regierungsrat Dr. iur. Hans Krähenbühl, Leu 8, 23 October 2021, 72, privately acquired from Bank Leu on 31 May 1974 and from the collection of C. Gillet ('Kunstfreund', 1879-1972), photofile no. 1026.

Lyttos was a major city in the foothills of the Lasithi mountains that Polybios considered to be the oldest polis in Crete (Polyb. 4.54.6). The town had close connections with Sparta and is almost universally called Lyktos in literary sources; however, its coins invariably provide the local spelling of the ethnic as Lyttos.
5000 CHF
4000 CHF
14000 CHF
Anzahl Gebote:
Auf den Zuschlagspreis ist ein Aufgeld von 22,5% zu entrichten.

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